Quality Guaranteed Product


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Hydrocarbon Recycling 

Our treatment and recycling facilities can process more than 100.000 tn per year ( Annex I,II, IV V-VI).

We operate 24h a day, 365 days a year. We have a number of treatment lines for hydrocarbon waste operating on a continopus basis.

The Hydrocarbon recycling process allows us to obtain a high specification product suitable for its use as a clean fuel ( enhanced fuel oil) 

The high specification product complies with all quality standards* demanded by the relevant authorities.


We use treatment systems to process waste into resources.  We guarantee rigorous quality compliance for the recycled material, applying strict controls by highly qualified chemists.


*Royal Decree 61/2006 31st January, which establishes the specification for petrol, diesel, fuel oil and liquid gas, from oil and regulates the use of certain biofuels.