What you can do about Climate Change

What you can do about Climate Change

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If you've paid any attention to news stories about the environment in recent years, climate change might feel like a hopeless cause. Species are dying off in record numbers, natural habitats around the world are being destroyed, and the weather is getting warmer and more extreme, driving millions into refugee status as their homes are destroyed or unlivable due to the rapidly changing climate.

But there is still hope for ourselves and future generations if enough people can take action. The question is, what can we do?

Limiting the Effects of Climate Change is Political

In many countries, not enough is being done at a national or regional level to fight climate change. The people in power in many nations around the world haven't done much to protect their citizens from its worst effects. This is because they can retain power without catering to these issues.

What voters in democracies around the world can do is start publicly demanding their elected officials take these matters seriously. They can enact reforms aimed at reducing the use of greenhouse gases. They can do this by providing infrastructure and massive programs that make it easier for individuals to live successful, happy lives without relying on fossil fuels and other harmful energy sources for the environment.

Protect the Environment at Home

That said, there are things you can do daily to use less harmful energy sources. You can utilize mass transit, conserve water and electricity, and try to avoid purchasing new products when old products can be repaired or reused. These are all examples of ways you can do your part every day.

Another underrated way individuals can do their part to fight climate change is by eating smarter. Eating more natural foods, especially locally sourced fruits and vegetables is not only healthy, but also good for the environment because it reduces food transport fuel usage and more.